Friday, May 3, 2013


"Whatever you're doing inside of me
It feels like chaos somehow there's peace
It's hard to surrender to what I can't see
but I'm giving in to something heavenly"
 - Sanctus Real 

Picture taken by Rosalyn 

Over the last year the Lord has truly been doing something inside of me that
at times has been hard to understand. Like so many of us the thoughts in my
head swirl, spin, pound and crash. 

It's amazing though that life doesn't stop because we feel inadequate, unwilling, 
unchanging, and simply lost. But even more amazing what doesn't end thankfully are his mercies-they are new every morning. Lamentations 3: 22-24

 How much change can one go through without breaking?
How many seasons of life can happen all at once?
How do you know that you are truly you in the midst of all this change? 
How can you function when you are tired, worn out, and frustrated?
So many questions yet the sun sets and rises and you do too. 

Can you survive, teach, model, and learn all at once? You must because there are 
two sweet, big brown eyes who are watching and absorbing your life. 
Thankfully the one who created your inner most being is also with you
modeling true love.

And then when you feel like Spring will never come, spring comes forcefully
and beautifully opening into hope. Just when you feel like you are at
a breaking point-if one more thing happens, spills, drops, or is expected of you...
then he tenderly reminds you to surrender. 

Sweet surrender envelopes and lifts you are no longer living by your strength 
but lifted into his strength which is bigger than life. 
The molding waves continue to crash but the fog lifts and your identity established is:

You know peace because after surrender comes peace
you can stand the next thing because you are now 
standing on higher ground.

Relationships are sweet and you do everything with purpose and hope. Life still
sends hurts, your heart longs, missess and sheds tears. Yet with nightfall comes 
peace and restoration. Tomorrow will come again and when you find yourself 
trying to reclaim those burdens- you surrender; because after surrender comes peace.
This draws you into something heavenly...

Gracefully Daisy

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