Matar a Lutero es una obra ficción acerca de un corto tiempo en la vida de Lutero. Durante la primera parte de este libro vemos a Lutero huyendo después de su famosa defensa en la Dieta de Worms. La segunda parte comienza con la llegada al Castillo de Wartburg Y el trabajo que emprende mientras está escondido. En la tercera parte vemos los resultados de sus decisiones y como responde a la situación que se ha desarrollado en Alemania durante su ausencia.
Aunque he escuchado la historia de Lutero nunca la he estudiado detalladamente. Este Libro ha sido para mí una buena introducción que me impulsa a estudiar la vida de este hombre de fe. Porque es una obra de ficción y no estoy muy bien familiarizada con la historia se me hizo difícil distinguir que era ficción y que era realidad. En mi opinión pude captar aunque sea un vistazo de cómo era la vida cotidiana de aquellos tiempos. La pasión que salta de las páginas del libro me ayudo a entender cuanto arriesgaba Lutero en esa época y cuan necesaria era la reforma. Leer este libro abrió una puerta para aprender más acerca de estos hombres de fe que arriesgaron su vida para que la palabra de Dios fuera accesible a todos.
Recomendaría este libro.
Now in English:
Matar a Lutero(To Kill Luther), is a fictional work about a short time in the life of Martin Luther. During the first part of this book we see Luther running for his life after his famous defense them at the Diet of Worms . The second part begins with his arrival to at the Wartburg Castle where he begins his exile and begins to work on translating the New Testament. In the third part of this book we see the results of his decisions and how he responds to the situation in Germany during his absence.
Even though I had heard the story of Luther I had stopped to study it in detail. This book has been a good introduction that impulses me to study more about the life of this man of faith. Because it is a fictional work and I am not completely familiar with the history it became difficult for me to distinguish between actual history and fiction. In my opinion I was able to capture a glimpse into everyday life of those times. The passion that jumped at me from the pages of the book helped me to understand how much was at stake for Luther and how imperative the reform was. Reading this book opened a door through which I will walk through to learn more about these men of faith who risked their lives so that the word of God could be accessible to all. I would recommend this book.
Gracefully Daisy