Friday, August 29, 2014

Flamingo Inspiration for Giselle's First Birthday Party Part 2

This  darling book was a perfect inspiration for a flamingo birthday

I shared about the flamingo inspiration for our little Lady's first birthday party here
Here are a few more elements that led me to create this sweet event for Giselle. 
I totally judged this book by its cover! I am so glad I did because I was blown away by the beautiful illustrations when I opened it! This wordless picture book is a bout a little girls and her graceful flamingo friend that together explore friendship through synchronized dance. 
 Find a way to get your hands on it you will love it! 
The flamingo printable came from The Tomkat Studio. She has the cutest birthday party ideas!

Looking for an invitation can be daunting because there are so many and you could spend a fortune! Of course on Pinterest the ideas abound. Check out my Pinterest board
 I wanted something classy and simple and I was able to create this one on picmonkey based on an invitation I saw on Pinterest. I love picmonkey and the awesome projects I am able to create on this website for free!
I loved how this invitation turned out. It was so fun getting to share it with our friends and family!
Party post coming soon! Thank you in advance for following along on this fun adventure!

Sunday, August 17, 2014

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Gracefully Daisy

Flamingo Inspiration for Giselle's First Birthday

I love how sometimes the story of our life interweaves and catches us by surprise. 
The picture below was taken on our honeymoon. We sat in a hammock swinging in the breeze on a private beach that captivated us. A flock of graceful flamingos inhabited the island only adding to the charm of this beach. 
Aruba- Dec 2007
Fast forward 2 years after this scene became a part of our happy memory bank. I was pregnant with our first and attended a class for work that was about restoring our spirit of care. We were taught many ways  on how to rediscover the reason we were nurses. One of the activities was to draw our happy place. A drawing that we could use to go to and escape or just draw strength from. So you guessed it I drew this happy scene. it became my happy place and I took it with me to my delivery and displayed it in my room while I labored; drawing strength and peace from it.

 3 more years pass. I didn't take this picture to my second delivery, not sure why. But we are blessed with sweet Giselle and way too fast her first birthday approached. As I looked for inspiration for her first birthday I was drawn to pink and gold. In come these cute mocs by Faas Design I couldn't pass them up and I bought them way before her birthday and again thought maybe for her birthday I can do something with gold. Now, as the summer approached I began seeing pink and gold everywhere and decided yes, pink and gold it is! Then on my IG feed I saw this sweet deal for the cutest pink flamingo shorts and head band and then it all started to come together in my head. I envisioned baby Giselle wearing this sweet outfit to experience her birthday cake and to hear all her family loving her as they sang Happy Birthday. I could see the colors coming together to create a special atmosphere in which this sweet baby would love and be loved- for first birthdays only happen once.

head band littlebigdreamers * Gold Mocs Faas Design* shorts Lil Sugarlamb
Ok, maybe I'm getting a little sappy, sorry. But then it hit me this theme fits right along with our little family! Flamingos have been inspiring our sweet little family since our honeymoon. How perfect that my mind even gravitated to these flamingo shorts because they carry the tune played 7 years ago sitting on that hammock swinging in the breeze of joy. So our little family celebrated this beautiful baby and praised God for allowing these little surprises add to our happiness bank. ( I will post her birthday party post soon.)

Gracefully Daisy